Barackie and Georgie, Sitting in a Tree…

In his 2006 State of the Union speech, George W. Bush “admitted” that “America is addicted to oil.” Today, Barack H. Obama, speaking in the aftermath of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion, concurred with the now-official diagnosis of what ails the nation: “We know that our dependence on foreign oil endangers our security and … Read more

Ivan Illich on Bikes v. Cars

Ivan Illich was certainly one of history’s greatest Catholic priests, right up there with Bartolome de las Casas, Oscar Romero, and Gustavo Gutiérrez. Take a look at what Illich had to say about the sanity of cars-first transportation, and you see why the CIA spied on him and tried to have him ex-communicated by Rome: … Read more

This Guy is Smart? – Death by Car

By now, it’s been abundantly revealed why our current president admires Ronald Reagan: affection for fairy tales. To wit, this amazing piece of Reaganesque wishfulness in President Obama’s 2010 Earth Day speech: obama fairy tale Think about it: roughly a century and a half ago, in the late 1850s, the Seneca Oil Company hired an … Read more

Obama’s Gusher

rom Mike Flugennock, an apt image of the wages of Obamania: spill cartoon “We still need more oil, we still need more gas.” -Barack Obama, speaking on Earth Day